The Career & Life Audit Journal (paperback)

The Career & Life Audit Journal (paperback)


DM Career Conversations proudly presents 'The Career & Life Audit Journal'.

We all need to take a step back from time-to-time to assess and reflect on our career and our lives. We are often guilty of 'going with the flow', ignoring some major red flags or forgetting our needs & ambitions when it comes to work and life. In order to get the clarity that we crave we need to see the bigger picture and ask ourselves some tough but essential questions, to purposefully move forward with enthusiasm, to meet our true potential and to become the very best version of ourselves in our career and in life. Is it time for an awakening?

Is it time to press reset? Is it time for a change? It is time to take back ownership of your next steps.

This journal contains coaching questions & thought-provoking activities that will encourage you to reflect & assess where you are at, where you want to go & how you will get there.

It will take you on a journey of self-exploration & will act as a resource that you can come back to again & again as you evolve through your career & life.

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